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Information security and privacy

Dear customer, For you, it is of paramount importance to maintain your privacy and secure the medical and personal information and its confidentiality.

Medical and administrative information is preserved and filed as part of the effort to assemble for patients a high quality medical service for you and by virtue of the obligation to do so by law. Information is found in computerized information systems, in the medical and personal records of clients and in documents transferred between the treating parties for medical treatment needs.

According to the Privacy Protection Law, 5741-1981 and regulations enacted pursuant to it, the Patient Rights Law, 5756-1996 and other laws, as well as according to the rules of medical ethics, you are careful to protect the privacy of patients' information. To this end, all employees of the company, the doctors and the paramedical staff sign their duty to maintain the confidentiality and confidentiality of the information. The work is maintained in compliance technologies, while working procedures that support the protection requirements, by the person in charge of information security in the company and by the managing bodies, and ongoing inspections are also performed.

For your information security procedures regarding identification, user permissions, database management and password policy. The person in charge of information security on your behalf is responsible for ensuring the existence of the protection and protection of this information for the information protection policy on your behalf and in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The company's computer systems have defined and implemented technological information security requirements that correspond to the highest level of information protection required in stylish systems, which provide a secure solution for personal and medical information. The company works for the purpose of a standard for the security of a person's medical information, ISO 27001 standard.


My information is on the third party

Information about customers is provided to a third party only for the purpose of medical treatment or in accordance with the guidelines of the law, in only three situations:

1. For the purpose and by virtue of authority given to those parties by law.

2. Life of providing adequate medical care.

3. At the request of the patient and on the basis of a confidentiality waiver signed by him, which allows the transfer of information.


Privacy Policy.

Counseling and guidance provided that are not a variety of service opening that are a substitute for examination or consultation with a physician and are not a "medical diagnosis" or "medical opinion".

In any case of urgent problem, emergency or distress (physical or mental), seek medical attention from the attending physician, to an emergency room at a nearby hospital or to Magen David Adom

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